In the database for product-related tender texts at AUSSCHREIBEN.DE you can easily, quickly and up-to-date find all service descriptions of our measurement and communication technology as well as our energy and load management solutions for free download into the service list for your tender.
AUSSCHREIBEN.DE is an important source of tender texts in construction industry experts, which architects, civil engineers and planners can research and use in the construction portal without registration and freely accessible about construction products.
Here you will always find our current Berg product catalog and associated text modules for download as export in 9 data formats – the right format for every purpose. Convenient transfer via drag & drop from many software applications (AVA, CAD, tradesmen’s programs) and always accessible as a web application.
> We support planners and architects exactly when they need product information and tender texts.
Mr. Malte Prenzlau will be happy to help you find the right product information and answer questions about data export at