The reduction in grid fees can significantly reduce the fees that the approximately 900 grid operators in Germany charge for grid access. These so-called grid utilisation fees for electricity currently account for around a quarter of your company’s total electricity costs In addition to the grid fees, the electricity price is also made up of the costs for generation, sales, levies, surcharges and taxes. The calculation or determination of the electricity grid charges by your grid operator is regulated in the Electricity Grid Charges Ordinance. For large electricity consumers, the load profile is determined by recording power measurement, which also influences electricity costs.
If you want to take advantage of the statutory opportunities to reduce your electricity costs and reduce your grid charges, you need to analyse your annual load profile. This is because a major cost driver for grid charges is the annual peak load. The higher your peak demand, the higher your grid charges. Reducing or shifting the annual power peak therefore significantly reduces your energy costs.
Many companies have not yet utilised their savings opportunities, even though they exist. You can significantly reduce your grid charges in accordance with the StromNEV if your usage behaviour is atypical or electricity-intensive. Your consumption behaviour and your purchase structure are decisive for a reduction in grid charges. Atypical grid utilisation results in a deviation of the customer-specific maximum load from the maximum load in the grid and a relieving effect occurs. A reduction in the grid fees is then possible. In the case of electricity-intensive grid utilisation, e.g. in Germany in accordance with Section 19 (2) sentence 2, i.e. if at least 7,000 hours of use per year are achieved, a reduction of up to 80% can be realised, for example.
Does your company fulfil the requirements for a grid fee reduction? Then find out more about your savings options.
We will be happy to analyse your annual load profile, check possible savings potential for you and offer you an individual solution for reducing and optimising grid charges. With our Optimo load management system, you can prevent spontaneously occurring power peaks by continuously balancing the operational power demand with the tariff-based power limits. This allows you to reduce your energy costs automatically by reducing grid charges and at the same time retain control over the intensity of your energy use.