Berg – die Energieoptimierer®

Energy control for maximum cost transparency


An important goal of energy controlling is to limit or, at best, minimize energy consumption through continuous observation of suitable energy controlling key figures. When selecting and incorporating suitable measurement variables into your energy controlling system, you should differentiate between consumption and operating data controlling. With consumption data controlling or energy data monitoring, energy consumption can be recorded both manually and automatically. When checking the operating data, process data that is as meaningful as possible is selected, which can be used to directly assess whether properties and buildings are operating in accordance with their energy needs.

The energy factor is becoming increasingly important in the balance sheets of the manufacturing industry. The costs of electricity, water, gas, heat or compressed air can have a significant impact on the value chain of an industrial company. In order to uncover potential savings measures, energy management is necessary that makes your energy data fully transparent. Detailed energy control creates maximum cost transparency for you.

Carry out key figure analyzes with energy controlling 

Energy saving potential often remains unused, especially in medium-sized businesses. The federal funding for energy consulting in medium-sized businesses (EBM), for example, is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for energy consulting services and is funded by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control BAFA with 80%. The easiest way to generate energy controlling key figures for the industry to easily evaluate the energy situation and production processes is with a continuous energy controlling monitoring tool. Only through complete and transparent consumption and cost control can you achieve energy optimization.

Energy controlling monitoring fulfills these functions

  • Recording of all energy and operating data in your company
  • Central evaluation and monitoring of consumption
  • Generation of key figures for easy evaluation of the energy situation
  • Alerting in the event of deviations and thus promptly finding the cause to avoid high energy costs
  • Assignment of consumption to cost center accounting
  • Automatic generation and sending of energy reports
An energy management system supports your continuous energy controlling 

With our energy management system Efficio, you can continuously identify and use energy saving potential in your company. You also significantly reduce your energy consumption and the associated greenhouse gas emissions. You can allocate your consumption at different recording intervals and evaluate it graphically or in tables, adjusted for weather conditions.

In conjunction with precise measurement and communication technology, an energy management system delivers reliable measured values and analyzes all consumption data quickly and clearly. It helps you decide whether to invest in improving your company’s energy efficiency. In the key figure analysis, you determine special order key figures (EnPI) and calculate exactly the amounts of energy or costs that are required to produce your product.

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