Berg – die Energieoptimierer®

Minute-by-minute visualization of energy consumption


Optimize your processes, reduce your consumption and save CO2, energy, time and money. Energy management can do more than just measure, analyze, evaluate and report: With Efficio you can integrate the entire energy management process in ONE software in a unique way – from strategy to implementation and evaluation.

If you want to know how high your energy costs and your own CO2 footprint are and what contributes significantly to this in your company, rely on an intelligent energy management system. With Efficio, you benefit from easy handling, many analysis options and reporting functions. Strategy and goals are recorded and presented in a standardized and transparent manner. Keep your processes under control and become an expert in optimized energy controlling.

Energy management must accurately map all of the company’s energy processes and structures. With our web-based energy management solution, you can monitor your energy indicators (EnPI) and check the control behavior of your energy and production systems in accordance with ISO 50001:2018 and DIN EN ISO 16247-1. Efficio impresses with its simple and intuitive operation – ideal for companies with little time and personnel resources.

With the innovation leader Berg you are investing in the future: Regular updates and functional expansions reflect legal changes and include technical innovations.


Your PLUS with Efficio at a glance 

Identify savings potential
Effectively reduce energy costs
Identify key energy consumers
Significantly reduce CO2 emissions
Continuously increase energy efficiency
Smart and simple to use
Install quickly and easily
Operate software intuitively
A variety of interfaces enable connection to existing systems
Commissioning wizard integrates logger in just 5 minutes
Easily integrate PDCA cycle
Management process, data collection and evaluation in ONE system
Map processes in detail, document them clearly and implement them
Manage energy goals and measures
Multiple analysis options such as energy usage analysis
Monitor production processes
Evaluate processes energetically using energy key figures EnPIs
Assess and optimize the control behavior of technical systems
Intervene early and take countermeasures thanks to the alarm function
Analyze and optimize effectively
Achieve “Green Image” competitive advantages
Capture data seamlessly, even via the app
Record all consumption data plus process and operating data
Sophisticated reporting and alarm functions
Legal standards meet ISO 50001:2018, ISO 14001, DIN EN 16247 and EMAS
Handle audits quickly and carefree
Take advantage of tax advantages
Secure funding
Save time and human resources
We offer you a unique combination of energy, process and load management. You measure, record, analyze and optimize all energy flows in your company in order to continuously save.
Measure. Capture. Analyze. Optimize. Save on.

Our measurement technology portfolio includes meters for electrical, liquid and gaseous media. The use of energy data loggers guarantees you complete recording and very high data quality. Technology that has already been installed can be integrated without any problems.

With our web-based energy management software, entire energy teams from multiple locations can access everything at any time. Our multi-client capability allows for freely configurable, individual dashboards in which tasks and appointments are clearly documented. As a combined measurement and analysis tool, the energy management software Efficio enables energy flows to be determined promptly, allocated and billed in a consumer-friendly manner. The high level of data collection every minute allows full control and transparency down to the smallest consumption unit. Everyone involved stays informed at all times via automatic reporting.

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