
Key terms and definitions for energy and load management

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Avoidance of carbon leakage

You will only be eligible for aid if you have a certified energy management system

In order to avoid carbon leakage and to maintain the cross-border competitiveness of affected companies in Germany, the federal government defined the necessary measures and aid in spring 2021 through a BEHG Carbon Leakage Ordinance (BECV). To do this, certain qualitative and quantitative requirements must be met.

On the one hand, it must be a sector or sub-sector eligible for aid (Section 5 BECV) and on the other hand, a minimum threshold must be reached according to Section 7 of the BECV. Furthermore, the company eligible for aid must provide one of the following considerations in order to receive the aid: a certified energy management system according to DIN ISO 50001, an environmental management system according to Regulation (EC) No. 1221/2009 or, from January 1, 2023 at the latest, a non-certified energy management system based on DIN ISO 50005.

Energy controlling

Mission energy saving

The energy factor is becoming increasingly important in the balance sheets of the manufacturing industry. The costs of electricity, water, gas, heat or compressed air can have a significant impact on the value chain of an industrial company. An intelligent energy management system creates cost control and cost transparency to simultaneously save energy and reduce costs.

For energy management officers of companies, keywords such as federal funding programs to increase energy efficiency, certification according to ISO 50001, DIN EN 16247 and EMAS, load peak compensation and EEG surcharge are very important.

Energy monitoring

Make your energy costs transparent

Berg’s energy controlling brings your savings potential to light! The monthly electricity bill does not provide companies with any data on consumption behavior. However, these are necessary to discover savings opportunities and pursue optimization approaches.

With the right complete solution from Berg, you get a current overview of your consumption for all locations in your company. Berg’s energy controlling enables you to react promptly and reduce energy costs. Since you can use our system to define different departments or locations, you can easily introduce benchmarks and motivate employees to focus on energy efficiency.

Energy data collection

Valid energy data collection forms the basis for energy management and should be based on the structures and needs of your company.

Berg offers the web-based energy management system EFFICIO for energy controlling. The minute-accurate measurement and analysis tool for key figure monitoring, certification within the framework of the energy management standards ISO 50001 and EN 16247 energy cost distribution and billing or ERP connection. So that you get the most out of your energy data collection, we offer a wide portfolio of suitable measurement and communication technology. We would be happy to advise you on the correct dimensioning of your energy capture.

Check and reduce energy consumption

A relatively simple way to correctly estimate energy consumption is to create a consumption matrix. Main variables such as average performance and hours of use can first be estimated and checked more closely if there are significant deviations.

    Further information

    How to correctly estimate your energy consumption

    As an example for the medium of electricity (electrical energy), an electricity matrix could be constructed as follows:

    consumer Average electrical power [kW] Estimated operating time per month [h] Monthly energy consumption [kWh]
    lighting 72 248 17856
    Attachment 1 55 480 26400
    Attachment 2 12 152 1824
    Building 1 9 732 6588
    IN TOTAL 52668 kWh/month


    You will often find that individual consumers have too high an output and/or such long operating times are often not necessary. A similar procedure can be followed for the other media such as heat, water, compressed air and gas.

    Question your current energy consumption:

    • Which consumers do I actually have?
    • Which of these are the largest consumers?
    • Which average performance and operating times correspond to my monthly consumption?

    Which average performance and operating times correspond to my monthly consumption? Typically you come up with the following ideas:

    • Can I reduce operating times with specifications, notices, timers or control adjustments?
    • Can performance be better adapted to demand in order to reduce average performance?
    • Are there alternative or more modern systems that consume significantly less and whose purchase pays for itself within a reasonable period of time?
    • If I have to have the consumer renovated, maintained, cleaned or inspected soon anyway, can’t I also include an energy improvement measure?

    If you complete this Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle by regularly checking and evaluating current energy consumption, you have essentially already met the ISO 50001 or EN 16247 standards, improved EBIT and taken the first step towards ecological business.

Reduction of network fees according to Section 19 StromNEV

In the liberalized energy market, every network user has to pay a network usage fee to the approximately 900 network operators in Germany for network access. The calculation of network fees is based on the so-called revenue cap, which is calculated and set by the regulatory authorities for the affected network operators. This upper limit is determined before the start of the regulatory periods for each year of the upcoming regulatory period, with a regulatory period lasting 5 years. The network operator can individually adjust the revenue caps to price developments.

With Optimo load management you can reduce your network charges by reducing load peaks and/or shifting them to off-peak times.

Important standards for energy optimization

Two relevant standards are considered the standard for a company’s energy optimization. They provide a system that helps to transparently show and sustainably optimize a company’s energy consumption.

These are the standards ISO 50001 and EN 16247-1. In the area of the DIN ISO 50000 standards, new standards and guidelines are constantly being added that further specify the topic of energy management.

    ISO 50003

    The new ISO 50003 standard, which regulates the requirements for bodies that offer audits and certifications of energy management systems, has been in effect since October 2017.

    According to the ISO 50003 standard, there is an obligation to provide evidence to improve energy performance, i.e. energy efficiency. The topic of energy efficiency is specified, among other things, in the standards ISO 50006 (formation of EnPI and derivation of EnB) and ISO 50015 (measurement and verification). Efficiency measures and savings must be proven. The standard therefore also indirectly affects all companies that are planning initial or recertification.

    Your certified company must provide proof of increasing efficiency using key energy indicators (so-called EnPIs = Energy Performance Indicators). Without an automated energy management system, this proof will be very difficult or impossible to provide.

    We at Berg support you in providing the proof requirement of the ISO 50003 standard with our intuitive solution Efficio. Our energy management system automatically documents and archives all savings successes for you. All people involved in the energy management process receive the necessary key figures via intelligent reporting. The integrated alarm system provides information in the event of irregularities and incidents.

Measures to improve energy efficiency

How you can increase energy efficiency in companies and properties through appropriate measures

Increasing energy efficiency has many benefits. It is often overlooked or underestimated that increasing energy efficiency has further positive consequences. For example, as part of system renovation, these can be made significantly smaller, saving space costs and costs for additional units. The replacement systems are then usually smaller in size and acquisition costs generally fall.

    Further information

    If the specific energy cost share of the product or per square meter decreases, the sales margin or the basic rent increases automatically. Companies and owners generate higher profits and EBIT increases.

    If you ask 10 consultants about the best energy efficiency measures, you will get 10 different suggestions. Due to a lack of energy transparency, decisions are often made instinctively and based on experience. However, the most effective measures can be found through precise measurement, transparent analysis, evaluation and prioritization.

    So the right question is not “Which measures can I use to increase my energy efficiency?” but “Where do I look for efficiency-increasing measures to get the greatest benefit?” This also includes considering whether something can be changed here despite the high energy consumption.

    Steps to increase energy efficiency

    The following data collection and considerations should be made before seeking action:

    • Annual, or better monthly, overview of all media consumption and their costs.
    • Compilation of all renovation or acquisition measures planned in the near future.
    • Check which subject areas are currently receiving subsidies from the federal, state or local governments.

    If a “direction of approach” can be taken from this, the next step follows, which is essential for an economic viability assessment of proposals: setting up automatic sub-metering and energy data collection for the most important measuring points. Efficio is ideally suited as a system that is as cost-effective as possible, quick to set up and easy to use. This system offers everything from measurement to evaluation in a compact and understandable form. These measurements are then automatically followed by measures to increase energy efficiency, which can be divided into two categories:

    • Non-investment measures
      These are the “low hanging fruits” that can be “harvested” by switching off unnecessary consumers, through education and by retrofitting simple timers.
    • Investing measures
      An economic efficiency analysis can be drawn up based on the measured consumption and the efficiency increases expected through the renewal of systems and system components (frequency converters, fans, speed-controlled pumps, LED lighting, etc.) and the basis for decision-making for management can be created.

    The legislature promotes energy efficiency! We would be happy to show you which funding options you as a company can take advantage of and how you can increase your energy efficiency in a personal meeting on site. Regardless of whether you are a large corporation or a medium-sized company – secure your competitive advantage by using energy efficiently. Contact us today to increase your energy efficiency!

Energy management system

How you can save energy, time, money and CO2 in a smart and customized way with the Berg energy management solution 4.0

An energy management system consists of several parts that together provide a complete solution for analyzing and evaluating a company’s specific energy consumption. Energy consumption is recorded using measuring devices and meters that are used at a company’s consumption points depending on the type of energy used (electricity, gas, heat, steam, water, etc.).

Load management system

How you can optimize your energy consumption with the Berg load management solution

In order to get the most out of energy saving, it is important to identify the largest consumers. With a combined energy and load management system from Berg, you can determine the current status in your company and use the data obtained to optimize your energy consumption and improve your energy balance.
In the interview with Thomas Stengl, Head of Energy Management Systems, you can read about what load management looks like today, what benefits companies and municipal utilities have from it and how modern load control can be implemented.

Save energy

Identifying Big Energy Users, Understanding Your Energy Use, and Reducing Your Costs with Smart Systems

In order to save energy, it is important to identify the largest consumers and thus uncover savings potential. A measurement and analysis tool should make it possible to determine energy flows in a timely manner, allocate them in a consumer-friendly manner and bill them. A high level of data collection every minute allows full control and transparency down to the smallest consumption unit. With an intelligent energy management system you can save energy and reduce costs at the same time.

Energy advice

Berg’s services include comprehensive energy consulting, in which the appropriate measuring point concept for your energy management is developed. Our system service ensures that you receive optimal advice in all phases of energy management.

If an energy management system is already modular, the required functions can be put together individually and also enable expansions and adjustments during ongoing operation. We accompany you as a competent partner, from concept creation to commissioning to confirmation of success and evaluation of the data obtained.


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