
Cost transparency and energy efficiency


Advancing climate change requires a sustainable and efficient use of our energy resource. With energy management you can professionally manage, optimize and continuously minimize your energy consumption. This not only protects the environment and your wallet, but also brings with it competitive advantages in climate marketing. This not only protects the environment and your wallet, but also brings with it competitive advantages in climate marketing.

From the black box to energy cost transparency

As an energy manager in your company, rely on intelligent energy management for cost control and cost transparency in order to increase your energy efficiency and reduce costs at the same time. The energy factor plays an important role in the balance sheets of the manufacturing industry: low costs for electricity, water, gas, heat or compressed air can have a significantly positive impact on the value chain of an industrial company.

Your PLUS with smart energy management

  • Energy data collection, energy monitoring, audit preparation, project and idea management – all realized in just ONE software
  • Benefit from significant tax relief as part of certification according to ISO 50001, DIN EN 16247-1 and EMAS
  • Identify energy and business savings and improvement potential
  • Meet legal requirements, secure funding and use “green” image advantages in competition.
  • Save time with innovative technology for quick installation, commissioning and handling
  • Achieve 100% transparency thanks to extensive analysis and reporting options such as key figure formation, flex report, energy usage analysis, heatmap, Sankey diagrams, etc.
  • Actively switch or regulate electrical generators and consumers with integrated industrial load management and comply with the 7,000-hour regulation
  • Energy controlling and optimization thanks to a combination of energy management, environmental and load management
Video Efficio Energy Management Software
Energy management
Record, analyze, visualize and report energy and media
Process mapping
Define and control processes, implement management processes and control projects
Load management
Load profiles optimize consumption peaks
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